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حمل برنامج Game Optimizer Pro 1.02 مع الكراك
اليكم برنامج

Game Optimizer Pro 1.02

البرنامج الأفضل على الأطلاق لتسريع اداء الألعاب

كود :
Game Optimizer Pro - Turbo boost your gaming experience!

With the click of your mouse you can change your computer into a gaming machine! Game optimizer pro will improve your gaming experience on any machine, new or old.
By allocating system resources and prioritizing system processes Game Optimizer Pro brings out the gaming side of any computer. Game Optimizer Pro has optimizes your computer in 4 different ways:
1: Dynamic Optimization

Game Optimizer Pro cleans up Memory space and allocates workspace and memory processes specifically to the game you are playing. At the same time optimizing your hard drive and Game process, thus improving the way your system performs.

2: Static Optimization

Game Optimizer Pro will enhance your gaming experience by allowing your game to run faster and smoother with better frame rates by tweaking the CPU priority, Cache optimization, etc.
3: Magic Speed
One of the most exciting features in Game Optimizer Pro. It allows you to configure your speed index to either speed up or slow down your game. It also includes customizable hotkeys to adjust magic speeds functions.

4: Keyboard remapping

Game Optimizer Pro allows you to customize your keyboard to make the keys that you use the most more accessible during game play and to shut off the keys that can get in the way.

[صورة: main.gif]


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