تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج PCHeal لصيانة النظام
برنامج PCHeal لصيانة النظام

[صورة: 000eed01_medium.jpeg]

PCHeal | 1.92 MB

PCHeal sets the standard for PC optimizing software. PCHeal locates and repairs problems with software and hardware incompatibilities which lead to computer performance issues. Very easy to use, fully compliant with all versions of Microsoft ® Windows and adjusts itself to your computer specifications. Take your existing PC and revitalize it the easy way

PCHeal Features
*Advanced software based over-clocking features to enhance memory and cpu priorities.
*Easy and intuitive user interface which performs all setting changes immediately.

System Requirements
*Microsoft ® Windows 2000, 2003, 95, 98, Me, NT, Vista, XP
*Intel ® Pentium (or compatible) 90 MHz or higher processor
*16 MB of computer memory or higher recommended
*PC Mouse or other pointing type device
*Microsoft ® Internet Explorer 4 or higher installed

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الردود في هذا الموضوع
برنامج PCHeal لصيانة النظام - بواسطة Dr.Desmond - 2009-08-24, 09:37 AM

التنقل السريع :

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