Pepo كتب :
5- اضغط على Ping وارسل استعلام لمحركات البحث.
ازاى يتم الارسال
Ping Sitemap Files
This is a list of sitemap files stored on your server. You can ping the index file (if exists) to ping all info about each sitemap file. Optionally you can ping each file, but if you ping index, it is useless.
File Name Sitemap Services
sitemap_index_1.xml Google | Yahoo_1 | Yahoo_2 | Ask | Moreover
File Name Sitemap Services
sitemap_forumdisplay_1.xml Google | Yahoo_1 | Yahoo_2 | Ask | Moreover
sitemap_showthread_1.xml Google | Yahoo_1 | Yahoo_2 | Ask | Moreover
sitemap_member_1.xml Google | Yahoo_1 | Yahoo_2 | Ask | Moreover
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